
Each level includes interactive activities, helping students develop
a deeper understanding while improving fluency and confidence.

Letters and Sounds

Level 1A - Letters and Sounds

Focus on letter sounds, helping students recognize and produce individual phonemes.
Letters and Sounds

Level 1B - CVC Words

Introduction to consonant-vowel-consonant words (e.g., cat, bat), which are essential for early reading development.
Letters and Sounds

Level 2 - Blending and Dipthongs

Consonant blends are two or three consonants that are pronounced in their own phonetic sound.
Letters and Sounds

Level 3 - Phrases and Sentences

Moving beyond individual words to connect meaning and syntax, helping students form small meaningful units.
Letters and Sounds

Level 4 - Short Stories with Comprehension Check

Builds fluency and comprehension by encouraging students to read complete thoughts and ideas.